Why a U10 academy within our academy? Our U10 program has been widely recognized as a center of excellence for students in this age group. All coaches are highly experienced and qualified to do the best job here and the popularity of our clinics continues to thrive. Therefore we are very pleased to announce the formation of our U10 junior academy sponsored by “HEAD”. Students in our Red and Orange ball groups will now be graded into 3 differing skill levels. Each level will represent the child’s skill level within the group and the instruction they receive will be more geared to his/her level. Our standards will very much correspond to levels expected by “Net Generation”, USTA Long Term Athletic Development Plan and the U.S.T.A Junior Pathway.
Each student will be given a color overwrap to be placed over their grip to indicate their particular skill level.
RED BALL: Beginner/Pre-rally-Pink grip. Intermediate/Rally-Green grip. Advanced/match play-Yellow grip.
ORANGE BALL: Beginner/Pre-Rally-Grey grip. Intermediate/Rally-White grip. Advanced/match play- Black grip.
All students will receive a report card quarterly giving a run down of their individual development and progress. There will be plenty of opportunities for the students to move up within each group.
Our goal for all the students is to teach them the tools needed play points and future match play as soon as possible!
Every child is different and some will seek competition sooner than others. We will always make sure each player is ready to play in competition in their own time.
8 & Under red ball class on 36’ court
Youth Tennis Pathway
Here is an example the current youth pathway to progressing from one level to the next! We a SJTA will be conducting Red Ball & Orange Ball challenges (one day play days) which are Level 8’s to help your child accelerate and collect stars for participation. We will also provide opportunities for team match play with our Junior Team Tennis in which the kids will form a team and play against local clubs once they are ready to serve, score and rally.
Quarterly report cards
Youth Progression
We will help guide the parents in our program where you can participate in junior team tennis, Level 8’s - 5’s in our Academy and local Jacksonville area.
This is an example of our quarterly report cards in which skills we will teach in each class and mark scores of improvement